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The Importance Of Mental Wellness And How To Achieve It

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Author: Joseph Carey
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The human brain controls every function of the body and is one of the most important organs. When an organ is in pain, it is the brain that indicates it so a person can take proper action. If the brain is not healthy, then the functioning of other organs will also suffer.

Mental health is essential for the overall wellness and health of a person. A healthy person is one who is physically, mentally, and emotionally active. In recent times, the number of people suffering from constant anxiety and depression has increased significantly worldwide.

Many people try to consume a balanced diet and exercise regularly but underestimate mental wellness, which is actually just as important as your physical health. The emotional state influences much of an individual’s life and impacts the health, productivity, and decisions they have to make.

Good physical and mental health is necessary to prevent chronic diseases such as heart problems, obesity, and diabetes. As for mental health, stress and depression are the most common and affect a lot of people.

Unfortunately, there is no one solution to fix stress and anxiety as it keeps recurring. However, counseling and therapy can considerably help those who suffer from a mental problem and improve a person’s well-being.

Why Mental Wellness Important

There have been numerous studies that suggest that mentally well people are happier and are likely to think positively. They can effectively control their actions, behavior, and emotions. Mental wellness helps a person to handle problems effectively, make timely decisions, and improve personal relationships.

However, it’s also clear that stress is part of everyone’s life. We live in a fast-paced world where people think they have too much to do, but end up running out of time. The pressure of balancing your personal and professional life can be difficult.

You have to do personal chores, manage office work, and also look after your family. Then also comes finding yourself in a financial predicament, which is one of the main reasons why you may have consistent stress.

To help those who need it, few counseling practices provide effective therapy and counseling sessions to treat different mental health issues. Some of the common problems clients want treatment for include trauma, anxiety, stress, and relationship issues.

The reasons why you may want to achieve good mental health are:

  • Help to cope with challenges and issues in life
  • Realize your abilities and true potential
  • Keeping yourself busy in productive work
  • Give time and support to your family and friends
  • Try to focus on your personal and professional goals and ambition

In adolescence, a person is running free with little expectation or goal, but things change when he becomes an adult. As a person grows with time, there are expectations and responsibilities to fulfill. Only a person who is physically and mentally healthy can take on these responsibilities and fulfill them diligently.

However, there are some individuals who crumble under pressure, which also gives them the tendency to find relief in alcohol consumption and drug use. The growing trend of addiction is also one of the leading causes of stress, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).

Common Types Of Mental Illness

how to take care of mental health

Mental illness is sometimes referred to as a collective term that may include various symptoms affecting a person’s health. The severity of symptoms may differ from one person to another. But it does affect a person to cope with work, relationships, and other daily routine tasks.

Stress is connected with mental health, and a person has to take both medication and counseling to find relief. Some of the common mental problems for which a person has to take support of new behavioral sciences are:


One of the most common problems that people of every age face is depression, a mood disorder. Some symptoms are loss of interest, deep and worrying thoughts, lack of energy, and loss of appetite.

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

One of the most common neurological disorders in childhood is ADHD. Children who have ADHD are said to have trouble focusing and making decisions. Children may also make careless mistakes and have difficulty getting along with others. There is no single test to diagnose ADHD, but it involves medical tests, hearing and vision tests, and medical history.

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

Many people may not know, but they may have OCD which is characterized by recurring thoughts, impulses, and unwanted images. The treatment is through cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

Anxiety Disorders

Nearly everyone gets anxious or frustrated due to different things. Anxiety disorders include various other issues such as phobias, social disorders, and eating disorders. If proper treatment is not timely given, it can significantly impact an individual’s life.

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

PTSD is another quite common mental health issue that happens after a traumatic event. A person may have worrying thoughts due to physical accidents, sexual harassment, or torture.

The Treatment Options To Consider

taking care of mental health is important

The counseling practice has a team of professionals, including psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, social workers, and occupational therapists. The type of therapy or treatment usually depends on:

  • Type of mental illness
  • The severity of the signs and symptoms
  • Medical history of the individual
  • The medications that person may be taking to find relief

There are several types of therapies that can help a person recover from mental or emotional disorders. Sometimes, a combination of therapies may be effective to reach the desired result. The common types of therapies include:

Family Counseling

Family matters are discussed, and family members must be present to give their point of view and settle issues.

Behavior Therapy

Stress, anxiety, and mental disorder tend to alter a person’s behavior towards people and things. Behavior therapy emphasizes changing unhealthy thoughts and actions with positive ones. The key is to allow the individual to express their feelings and thoughts, whether positive or negative. Expressing out your thoughts helps a person to get the burden off their shoulders and relax.

Cognitive Therapy

The treatment that is common when it comes to mental wellness is CBT (cognitive behavior therapy). The purpose of CBT is to make a person understand that his thoughts directly reflect his actions. If a person thinks about things differently, then it can alter the outcome of a situation. CBT therapy aims to allow a person to know the pattern of negative thoughts that lead to stress and anxiety.

Group Therapy

If a person is open to expressing his thoughts in front of others, group therapy is the best solution. Hearing similar stories and experiences gives confidence to a person to share his own story and get the proper support.

What happens in a Counseling Session?

Counseling and therapy are a fine art where words replace medicine and give relief to a person with mental issues. Many people are pretty apprehensive thinking about talking about their feelings with a total stranger. Finding the right counselor or therapist is hard, but you can easily search for the credentials of psychologists and psychiatrists.

However, some of the questions for which a person must consider and prepare before attending a counseling session are:

  • What brings you to the therapy session?
  • Have you seen a counselor before?
  • What are the problems you are going through?
  • How you pass your day, your personal or professional chores?
  • The expectation you may have about the counseling session

The first session is crucial as you will want to know about the psychiatrist and vice versa. You will need to explain your current mental condition and symptoms. The psychiatrist is not only authorized to prescribe medication, but also to recommend therapy.

At the start of the session, the therapist will ask how your life is going and what thoughts are bothering you. You will be asked to share, and the therapist will observe and take notes, no interruption and no judgment.

The session’s conversation will be kept confidential to talk about your relationship, if there’s any, openly. At the end of the session, the therapist will assign a homework. The progress will then be checked at the next session. Things that are persistently causing you stress and anxiety will also be checked.

Every therapist may employ different methods such as dream interpretation or introducing music or art. Some of the therapists even practice hypnotherapy, meditation, or life coaching.

How Long Will A Person Has To Take Therapy Session

One counseling session is usually 30 to 40 minutes. The total number of hours or days a person has to come for the session may vary from one to another. Some clients may take the sessions for weeks until they find relief.

Therapy is something that may solve the matter in one conversation, or it may take several weeks. The interaction with the therapist also matters. For example, a face-to-face conversation is better than being done through phone or video chat.


Counseling and therapy are two valuable tools that are much better than any medication or medical procedure. Expert consulting firms offer various counseling and therapy sessions if one faces ADHD, PTSD, stress, or any other marital or personal problem.

You can choose the therapy plan according to your needs. You can schedule an appointment and get an initial session where the psychiatrist or therapist will get to know you and where you can also share your emotional or mental health problems to get help.

The post The Importance Of Mental Wellness And How To Achieve It appeared first on Dumb Little Man.

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