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Lori’s Amazing 5-Week Course – How to Be Super Successful Solo MSP

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Author: Karl W. Palachuk
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(Side Note: Next week, we launch ITSPU – IT Service Provider University and move everything from Great Little Seminar over to ITSPU. The first course to run on the new platform is Lori’s amazing and spectacular course. Join us!) 

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Powerhouse of One: How to Be Super Successful Solo MSP 

(or Solo Entrepreneur)

Taught By: Lori Hardtke, Community Leader and Coach

– Five Tuesdays – January 11 – February 8, 2022

– All classes start a 9:00 AM Pacific

Register Now!

Only $299 per student – five hours of training*


1. A different, simplified approach to packaging your Managed Services

2. How to grow revenue and net income without hiring any full-time staff

3. A quick start guide to Profit First and establishing quarterly bonuses

4. Tactics on utilizing engagement letters, pre-paid support agreements & raising rates 

5. Automating your business to run like clockwork

If you prefer to run a very small managed service business, you can be extremely successful – but you have to create excellent processes to make that happen. Multi-state MSP owner Lori Hardtke shows you how to grow your business to $350K and beyond without any additional full-time staff on your payroll.

You hear it all the time, you need to work “on” your business not “in” your business. You need to hire staff and delegate in order to grow. 

But what if you could grow your business to $300K or more without any additional full-time staff on your payroll?

Tired of sitting in traffic to make that meeting across town and filling up at the pump every few days? What if you could master running your MSP practice remotely nearly 100% of the time?

Ever dream of having no monthly A/R and no debt?

Then this class is for you!


“The class Lori did was simply awesome. I learned so much.  She is what I want to be when I grow up!” – David Streit, Stephill Associates, LLC


Here’s what you will learn:

  • How to pick the right vendors to do a lot of the heavy lifting
  • How to position your micro MSP practice to prospects and clients as though you have an army of employees behind you!
  • How to sell additional technology services that are pure profit
  • How to land new MSP contracts without leaving your office!
  • Tactics on raising rates and going after low hanging fruit
  • Ideas on how to package and price your MSP offering
  • How to streamline your sales process
  • Technical Business Review checklist
  • Finances – the bottom line
  • How to Live Your Business Dream

…And more tips-n-tricks to help you be different and think different!

Delivered by Lori Hardtke, MSP and Peer Advisor. Lori has been an MSP (managed service provider) for many years and runs a two-state business with no employees.

Includes five weeks of Zoom webinar classes with related handouts, assignments, and “office hours” with the instructor.

This course is intended for business owners and managers. It is particularly useful for the Service Manager or Operations Manager. This course has an associated professional certification exam and may be applied to specialist certifications in Management, Sales & Marketing, Service Manager, or Front Office.

Class Content

Unit 1: Vendors/Affiliations/Peer Groups

Vendors can make-or-break you.  You’ll learn what to look for in vendors & peer groups.


  1. Creating guidelines for your perfect client
  2. Establish specific criteria for vetting vendors
  3. Picking vendors that will be an extension of your MSP

Unit 2: Sales Process for Services That Are Pure Profit

How to add certain services to your MSP offering that are pure profit and won’t require any additional staff to manage them.


  1. Educating your clients on your offering
  2. Creating Proposals that sell
  3. Onboarding new services to your clients

Unit 3: Plans, Pricing & Agreements

A very simple approach to packaging your services that make your life easier from sales, to pricing, to agreements, to invoicing.


  1. Understanding the 4 key areas of focus for all clients
  2. How to price your offering
  3. How to present your proposals, engagement letters & support agreements

Unit 4: Finances – Increasing Cash Flow with Profit First

How to start using Profit First (by Mike M.) in your MSP to change your cash flow and ultimately your bottom line. Cha-Ching!


  1. What is Profit First & how to get started
  2. Establishing a rhythm for paying yourself and your peeps not only payroll but quarterly bonuses!
  3. Learning how to track key financial numbers 

Unit 5: Automating Your Business to Run Like Clockwork

Key areas of your business that you should automate as much as possible


  1. How automation can impact your business, your bottom line and even help you grow
  2. Picking the right tasks to automate immediately
  3. Selecting the right tools to assist with automation

Only $299 Per Student*

* Members of the Small Biz Thoughts Technology Community attend at no additional charge.


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