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$50 Silver, Shorting Gold, Falling Inflation | Jeffrey Christian Interview

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 Silver, Shorting Gold, Falling Inflation | Jeffrey Christian Interview

Video by Resource Talks via YouTube

Jeffrey Christian is Managing Director of the CPM Group, a precious metals and commodities research and consulting firm.

In this interview, Jeff said shorting gold and the S&P500 are his top two trades right now.

Although he’s long-term bullish on gold, he sees a temporary pullback coming, saying he’d set an exit price on a short position of $2175, 7% below its current level.

In the segment on gold, Jeff said his models show a 25% portfolio allocation to the yellow metal would have outperformed the market historically.

He also explained why gold is so buoyant even as reported inflation falls in the US and in other major markets while interest rates remain elevated.

Turning to silver, Jeff said he wouldn’t be surprised to see silver rocket to $50 in 2024 or, failing that, in 2025. Such a move would mark nearly a 100% increase from its price today. However, Jeff hastened to add that this would be an unsustainable price, given his view on the current supply and demand dynamics.

The interview also touched on the global arms race and its potential effect on silver demand, Jeff’s favourite commodities outside of gold and silver, why he views Bitcoin as the "anti-gold", and an update on the ‘Resource Talks $1m portfolio’.

00:00 Recap
00:58 Intro
05:58 What will happen with the gold price?
12:29 Do you keep gold in your portfolio when it’s this high?
15:42 Gold vs s&p 500: what’s better for the long run?
18:37 Are real interest rates still related to the gold price?
28:17 Has the rise of cryptocurrencies had an effect on the gold price?
32:11 Are bitcoin investors the same as gold investors?
36:31 Will the US have an economic crisis?
43:36 Will there be an increase in demand for silver?
52:36 Will the easy access to invest in gold have an effect on silver?
57:40 What’s the future for silver and gold?
01:05:08 What’s Jeff’s forecast for the price of silver and gold?
01:08:43 What other commodities is Jeff bullish on?
01:12:59 What is Jeff’s single buy for the million-dollar demo portfolio?
01:16:29 Contact details

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