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205: Squatters’ Rights, Rent Caps, and Blackstone Gets Ready to Buy

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Podcast by BiggerPockets

Squatters’ rights are quickly being stripped away as more states move to end this widespread illegal occupation of private property. Blackstone predicts real estate prices to “bottom” as they gear up to go on their next homebuying shopping spree. Rent increases get capped for affordable housing, and why doesn’t the American public know about the BILLIONS of dollars in government housing subsidies? It’s another wild week in the housing market, so let’s get you up to speed.

In this Headlines Rumble show, we’re pitting the top housing market headlines against each other as we dive deep into the stories that affect real estate investors the most. First, we talk about DeSantis’ war against the squatters, as Florida becomes one of the first states to take action against squatters illegally occupying private property. Next, we discuss the $7.3 billion in housing subsidies that banks receive but AREN’T flowing into homebuyers’ pockets. So, where is all that money going?

Blackstone predicts real estate will “bottom” soon as they prepare to buy over $1 billion in single-family homes this year. If one of the most data-backed hedge funds in existence is saying now is the time to buy, should you begin searching for your next property? Finally, we’ll discuss the recent rent caps for affordable housing that are stopping landlords from increasing their rents even during times of quickly rising costs. 

In This Episode We Cover

Squatters’ rights explained and why states are finally saying no to squatting

The massive homebuying subsidies that no one knows about (but should!)

Blackstone’s bet on a “bottoming” housing market and whether or not this means you should buy NOW

Affordable housing rent increase caps and why this may lead to even less affordable housing

The winning real estate market in our “Market Madness” bracket! 

And So Much More!

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Articles from Today’s Show:


Delinquency Rates

Home Renovation Costs

Housing Subsidies


Rent Caps

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