Video by Debt Free in 30 via YouTube
16 Months Post-COVID: What’s Going on with Debt, Savings & What’s Next? Debt Free In 30 | A Personal Finance Podcast | Ep. 357. We are now 16 months into the Coronavirus pandemic, and everything has changed. Canadians have increased their savings rate and put a dent in their unsecured debt obligations. But are these trends going to last? Will savings go back down and credit card balances surge once the economy fully reopens? And will stress levels increase when we are back together in the workplace? Join guest Ted Michalos for a lively discussion on what’s happening and what’s next.
Related Links:
Ep. 290 Dealing with Debt During COVID-19
Ep. 291 COVID-19 & Debt Update: Dealing with your Creditors
Ep. 292 Debt, Frozen Real Estate, Cancelled HELOCs, and a Guaranteed Recession with Ben Rabidoux
Ep. 295 The Vultures are Circling: COVID-19 & High-Interest Loans
Ep. 296 Dealing with Collection Calls in COVID-19: Debt Negotiations, Deferrals, and Credit Report Impact
Statistics Canada. Table 36-10-0112-01 Current and capital accounts – Households, Canada, quarterly
Statistics Canada. Table 36-10-0639-01 Credit liabilities of households (x 1,000,000)
Time Stamps:
3:50 How much are Canadians saving now?
6:54 What’s happening with credit card debt?
11:11 What’s in store for the future?
20:00 When will things return to normal?
24:48 Practical advice
#COVIDdebt #Debt #PandemicDebts #PandemicDebt #Savings #PandemicSavings #PostCOVID #DebtCrisisLooming #LoomingDebtCrisis
#Boom #Bust #SpendingSpree #EconomicBoom #BoomOrBust