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+$106 Uranium, China-Kazakhstan Issues, Cheap Junior Stocks | Ben Finegold Interview

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+6 Uranium, China-Kazakhstan Issues, Cheap Junior Stocks | Ben Finegold Interview

Video by Resource Talks via YouTube

$106 Uranium, China-Kazakhstan Issues, the HALEU Shortages, and Cheap Junior Stocks – this interview with Ben Finegold had it all for #uranium investors.

Ben Finegold is a uranium expert and market analyst who works for Ocean Wall, a corporate advisory and investments firm –

More specifically, in this interview, we talked about issues with uranium in Kazakhstan, the Russian energy market, and the significant quantities of Chinese enriched uranium being imported to the US.

Besides that, we also discussed potential issues and opportunities in the sulfuric acid and uranium industries.

Ben also explained to me the challenges and complexities of the uranium supply chain, as well as timelines associated with bringing new uranium mines into production.

We also discussed the difficulties in sourcing secondary supplies, the potential of exploring foreign assets, and the risks associated with transport from Central Asia.

Ben also shared his view of the future for the uranium market, specifically regarding HALEU.

00:00 recap
01:02 intro
02:01 why is China exporting uranium to the US?
05:17 how can China afford to export uranium?
08:04 will Kazatomprom import sulphuric acid from China?
16:07 what could happen if Ballestra goes quicker in production?
19:45 why is there a sulphuric acid shortage for uranium producers?
22:16 will Kazahstan start importing uranium from other countries?
25:38 what do Westerners not know about Kazakhstan?
30:59 will the revolving door continue at Kazatomprom?
32:42 is the Kazakh economy doing ok?
37:43 what is Ben’s approach to uranium stocks?
39:52 what would it take for KAP to outperform Cameco?
42:24 what is Ben’s approach to potential uranium producers?
46:35 what is a realistic timeline for building a uranium mine?
50:29 what are the challenges for bringing a uranium mine online?
54:17 when will the uranium supply deficit end?
01:00:56 could new technologies help for the uranium supply shortages?
01:10:23 what’s Ben view on the junior uranium space?
01:16:34 how many institutional investors are there in the uranium market?
01:21:23 who can build uranium mines in the Athabasca Basin?
01:23:31 what don’t we know about the uranium market?
01:27:14 are Russian sanctions serious?
01:30:31 contact details

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